dom dom dom dom DOM I'm actually catching up on my JavaScript class this week and have stumbled upon this post that I started a little while ago. While I definitely recognize the contents here, the context is a bit lost at this point. Any on lookers can simply take...
Matt Smith
a somewhat rarely updated index of things that I’ve worked on, am working on, or simply find interesting.
scope, hoisting and closures
call them tricky but these are some dry bits for sure JavaScript scoping... const/let - function scopedvar - object scoped So, window is apparently the default, parent object that we operate in. { } are gates/fences that confine variable values to the function that...
conjunction junction, what’s your…
So much about functions, so little time, also a lot of random specifics on JavaScript. Math is hard. Even in JavaScript where you would think that math would be fairly straightforward but it isn't. Wes Bos makes a good case for only using whole integers rather than...
a brave new world of code
Everything that is old is new again. It's actually been quite a while since I felt like such a newbie to something, but it really felt far overdue to actually learn some JavaScript. I've been given the opportunity to take a Wes Bos beginner's JavaScript class through...